martes, 2 de septiembre de 2008
sábado, 30 de agosto de 2008
Play of chapter 8
The actresses were:
Julieta(2°P): The soldier (Anita's true love)
Magali(2°H): Rodrigo (Anita's father)
Shirly(2°H): Martha (Anita's sister)
Dafna(2°P): Anita
viernes, 29 de agosto de 2008
The Ring by Nico M, Eze R, German G, Lucero S
Moty: Rafael
Lula: Mother of the two boys.
(Eze and Ger are walking near to the beach)
Ger: Oh! Look at that.
Eze: What is this?
Lula: Oh! No, be quiet, don’t go there. There live a mad man, he’s very dangerous.
Moty: Don’t worry; I’m not going to eat you. She gave me the Golden fish; she gave it back to me.
Eze: Mum, is he the boy that you told me about?
Ger: The boy who loves Anita and wants to get married with her?
Lula: Yes, he is Rafael; he couldn’t get married with her because the soldier came to the Beach and Anita fell in love with him.
Moty: Don’t repeat those names; I don’t want to hear them.
Lula: Let’s go home, it’s getting dark.
Ger: No! I want to know more about him, I have to ask him some questions.
Eze: Mum, I will go with you.
Lula: In two minutes you must be at home.
Ger: (says to Rafael) I want to be a doctor, I’m going to start with you, today at ten o ´clock I’m I going to come here and nobody will know.
Lula, Ger, Moty, Eze
lunes, 25 de agosto de 2008
Twilight- A description. English Homework.

sábado, 9 de agosto de 2008

I think that Madagascar film is an excellent cartoon comedy because the storyline is great and the soundtrack is nice!
miércoles, 6 de agosto de 2008
Role Playing
Role playing
You were really fantastic.
Don't forget to include your pictures
viernes, 1 de agosto de 2008
Narrador: The soldier arriveed in his boat and he went to the caffe.
The soldier: Hi!
Uncle: Hello. How are you?
The soldier: Very well!
Narrador: The soldier talk many stories to Manuel. Late he went to Rodrigo´s shop.
Rodrigo: Hi
The soldier: Hello Rodrigo!... I am going to buy this and… that.
Rodrigo: Ok. Can you drink a coffe?
The soldier: Ok.
Narrador: The soldier talk another stories. The he came back to the caffe.
The fisherman was drinking a coffe when Rafael entered.
The soldier: Let´s have some music!
Narrador: The soldier gave a cassete to Manuel, and he put it. Everybody were listened the music. When the cassete ended the soldier went out. Sudenly Manuel put another cassete. Rafael danced.
Rafael: Put the cassete Again!
Uncle: Ok. Wait a minute
Fisherman: Come on Rafael. You are a good dancer.
Narrador: At midnight
Fisherman: Bye. I am going to go to my house.
Uncle: Bye. Good night.
Narrador: Rafael dancied everynight. The next day Annita desapear. Rafael was in his boat looking for Annita.
Rafael: Where are you, Annita? Annita!!!
Narrador: This day Rafael went mad.
domingo, 27 de julio de 2008
Let's go to the cinema!:"The chronicles of Narnia: Caspian's prince"

I'm going to talk about this action film, that i saw a month away:
It's about two sisters and two brothers that are the princesses and princes of a magical world called "Narnia".
They returned to that land 3.200 years later their first visit, because the next Narnia's prince, Caspian, needed help.
When they arrived to that wonderful land, they saw that everything was different.
They met Caspian's prince, and he told them why he escaped from his home and why he wanted a revenge his aunt.
They helped him and they recovered the beautiful Narnia's land.
Caspian became the new king and all the people lived in peace.
At the end, the oldest prince and princess (Susan and Peter) won't return to that land, because they've learned all the things that they could from there.
I think that it was a great film, with a fantastic soundtrack and a great storyline.
I really enjoyed it and I hope you to like it!
sábado, 19 de julio de 2008
Me, myself and irene -A description-

jueves, 10 de julio de 2008
Harry Potter-A description

Last year, I went to see Harry Potter. It is a science fiction film. It is about a school called Hoghwards, Harry Potter and his friends. There he met a boy called Ron and a girl called Hermione. They became very good friends. They had exciting adventures.
The film set was in England. The author of the story is J.K.Rowling.
I think Harry Potter is an exciting film. The soundtrack is fantastic and the storyline is excellent. I really liked it.
Author: Ezequiel Radogowski
miércoles, 9 de julio de 2008
Anita’s description (by Telma)

martes, 8 de julio de 2008
Shrek-A description-

miércoles, 2 de julio de 2008
Written by Martin.K
miércoles, 25 de junio de 2008
Our city (written by Magali and Shirly)

Another problem is that the industries pollute the rivers. This is a serious problem because a lot of people use this water for drinking and this may causes illness. The authorities must clean the rivers and make sure they stay clean.
The third problem is that there are some people that sets fire the fields and pollute the air that we breathe and the people can get sick.
Finally we think that if every one puts the best of themselves we could have a better city.
Anita´s description (written by Shirly and Magali)

Her sister Anita told that: She really was beautiful and clever, but she wasn´t a very good child, their parents gave everithing she wanted. She could do anything she wantedshe never worked or helped their mother in the house, her hands were beautiful and cleans, hger fingernails were long and pink. Everyone smiled at her and did what she wanted. Her voice was very loud and clear but she only sang when there was people to hear her. Nobody knew that she went oputside at night to met Rafael.
martes, 24 de junio de 2008
Anita's description written by Fernando, German y Lucero

the bike (english homework)
The Ring
lunes, 23 de junio de 2008
OUR CITY (by Telma)
I think that we should think first what we can do ourselves.
We shouldn’t throw rubbish in the street; we have bins in every square. We should call the police when we see something strange or dangerous in our neighborhood.
The companies shouldn’t throw their waste to the air or rivers, so we shouldn’t buy their products as a way of protest.
We shouldn’t smoke and we should share the cars.
We can do many things to improve our country. Take conscience, we all together can change Buenos Aires and the world.

The Ring-Write a description
Rafael was born in the village.His father was called Manuel and he was a fisherman.His mother was called Clara. He was a fine boy, never ill, good- looking, healthy and strong. When he was eight years old, his father was killed. He was there and saw his father die. He became a fisherman, too. He and is mother were poor, but he could earn enough money for them both. The people of the village said he was mad.
He became a good fisherman. He hated sharks because of what happened to his father. He lived in a boat-house.

Author: Ezequiel Radogowski
Nicolas Motylski
Description (English Homework)
Rafael is a dirty young man with long hair and a beard. He is very thin and tall. He isn´t dangerous. He went mad about a year ago. Nobody can help him. He has big, empty, mad eyes. He has a gold ring round his neck.
His father died when he was a child.
His clothes are very old and dirty. He looks ill.
His mother sometimes takes him some food.
He lives in an old wooden boat-house. It has not got doors The roof is broken at one end, and open to the sky. Inside there is an old wooden fishing boat.
Written by Michelle Harari, Dafne Betbeze and Tomas Mazur.
the description by Martin K Nicolas C y Julian F
Written by Martin K Nicolas C and Julian F.
Anita's description

Description Ther Ring ( By Santiago.L, Ezequiel.W, Bruno.C
Description of Rafael

By: Ariel and Marcos
sábado, 21 de junio de 2008
The Typing Machine ( By Santiago.L)
viernes, 13 de junio de 2008
My city ( by Santiago.L )

jueves, 12 de junio de 2008

Secondly I think that many people throw rubbish everywhere so, we should put more bins in the streets and avenues.
Also I think that the factories should not throw their waste into the rivers and seas so, the factories should move far away because the fumes that they throw are very dangerous for our health.
Finally I think that we should not cut down the trees, because they purify the air.
Dafna (2°P)
Our City or Neighbourhood

Hello!!Here we are again. Today we are going to work on your ideas about how to make our city or neighbourhood a better place for all of us. You can use exercises 8 (page 26, Workbooks) and 10 (page 29, Student's Books) as a model. Don't forget to use the words and phrases for giving opinion and introducing ideas.
miércoles, 11 de junio de 2008
My Invention (by Bruno)
I think this was a great invention because after this, it could be invented modern airplanes.
martes, 10 de junio de 2008
our city

viernes, 6 de junio de 2008

But we can do it a better place. Because our city has many environmental problems.
So; we can do the next things to make it better:
-Instead of using cars to go to places that aren’t far from where we are, we could use bicycles or just walk.
-Don’t throw litter to the floor; throw it in the bins.
-The companies shouldn’t throw their waste to the air or rivers.
-We shouldn’t waste the water, because it’s an important element for our life.
-We can help the environment helping people or companies who are doing excellent
Things for it, such as: Greenpeace; exc.
-We shouldn’t cut down the trees, because they purify the air.
These are only 6 things that we know we can do for our world.
miércoles, 4 de junio de 2008
The Microwave
The invention of computers

I am going to write about the invention called gloves. The man who invented them was Thomas Florindi.
Florindi got the idea in 1928, in winter when his hands were very cold and he didn`t know how to warm his hands. He went to his house and he made the first pair of gloves. In 1929 he started to sell his invention in a shop. In 1935 he started a factory to produce gloves.
I think gloves are very useful to warm my hands in winter.
Our city (English homework)
First of all, the factories might move far away from the cities because the fumes are very dangerous for our health.
Secondly, people drop a lot of litter. We should pick it up and tell them not to do that.
Also, we believe we should build more power stations because there are many power cuts in on summer.
We mustn’t cut down trees because we need more green places.
Finally, we should recycle our bottles and rubbish to clean our city.
Nicolás Motylski
Our City

a better city
German , Lucero y Nicolas c
lunes, 2 de junio de 2008
domingo, 1 de junio de 2008
Germán Grunewald 2 K

I'am going to write about the electrical lamp.Thomas Alva Edison invented it in 1979. He was born in Boston, USA. Then he went to New York where he had his laboratory. He is also known as " The membo park magician". Edison invented ather things like the phonograph.I think Edison was a very good inventor because his inventions are very useful all over this world.The electrical lamp is a hit.
sábado, 31 de mayo de 2008
The electric lamp

I'am going to write about the electrical lamp.
Thomas Alva Edison invented it in 1979. He was born in Boston, USA. Then he went to New
York where he had his laboratory. He is also known as " The membo park magician". Edison invented other things like the phonograph.
I think Edison was a very good inventor because his inventions are very useful all over this world.
The electrical lamp is a hit.
viernes, 30 de mayo de 2008
the telephone

The man who invented the telephone, was Alexander Graham Bell.

English Homework (An invention)
I am going to write about the first plane called Flyer 1.
The men who designed it were the Wright brothers.
They got the idea in 1903. One day, when they were relaxing under a tree, they saw some birds. And they thought... "We are going to build a plane." They were in the factory eight hours a day to build it, and on December 17th 1903, they invented the first plane.
Now,we need it because if we travel by plane, we can cross the ocean quickly, we can travel to USA or another country in a few hours. I think the plane is a very good invention.
Author: Ezequiel Radogowski
Write a story about an invention. Use Alex’s story to help you.
I am going to write about Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922). He invented the telephone.
He was born in
When he was a teenager, he felt interested in knowing about how people could communicate.
In 1874 he started experimenting about his most important invention” the Telephone” He finished it 2 years later.
He died in August,1922.
Author: Nicolas Motylski
The internet
In 1969, the first web of internet, called ARPANET, was created to connect four universities:
* Stanford Research Institute,
* The University of California at Los Angeles,
* The University of California at Santa Barbara,
* The University of Utah.
Ezequiel Weicman 2ºG
jueves, 29 de mayo de 2008
The Cell Phone (English Homework)
The Robot
This robot does everything you tell him. It can do your homework, clean your house, make the bed, prepare your breakfast, etc.
Joaquin Gonzales got the idea in 1991. One day when he had to do his homework, he got an idea. He decided to desing a robot that, can do everything. That same year, in September a factory in USA bought the robot and produced more robots, because people liked them.
Ariel Loyber 2ºP
miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2008
Inventions: "The cellphone"